I’ve been waiting to share our new apartment with you all for awhile now! We had some twisting, turning events that uprooted us from the place I thought we would be for the duration of Andy’s residency. Tis life! While I was certainly frustrated about having to pick up and move, God really does work in mysterious ways and our new place fits our family much better. While there are more restrictions about what we are able to renovate/do in this apartment, I’m still excited to make it our own in the ways we can. We’ve got a big garden in the back, a dedicated nursery and a deck that allows us to get outside and enjoy a morning cup of coffee. 

In this space new space we brought our first baby home, navigated the throws of first time parenting and will make yet another transition in a years time when Andy is finished with his chief year.

Transitions. It is what I wanted to spend time documenting and capturing through our home views with this page. The move was a good reminder that nothing we have is permanent and with all  transitions come a wealth of perspective and humility.

Looking forward to sharing a bit more of the ins and outs of our life here in NOLA as we make this new place our home!