Lately I’ve been getting back into my reading habit, it was something I was much better about prior to having Josie. But I didn’t seem to have the time or rhythm to crack open a book since I had her until recently. I posted the other day about the new cookbooks I’ve been delving into – Alice Walters The Art of Simple Food and Chez Panisse Cafe Cookbook. Highly recommend both if you’re into reading cookbooks. With the weather cooling down and holidays around the corner I’ll be spending some more time in the kitchen and look forward to sharing some of my new favorite recipes and creations.

Yes, I’ll be trying to sneak in some more downtime as we wind down the end of the year but we also have some projects we want to work on. Here is what we have on the “home to do list”:

– finish our master bedroom (I’ve been keeping my eye out for a couple pieces I need to call it “complete”)

– refinish deck furniture

– clean up back yard (we started last year and tried to grow a garden but it didn’t go very well and we had a flea infestation – aka disaster)  

– clean out and declutter (a favorite end of year practice for me)

– organize our kitchen (send help/tips please!)

-clean up/refresh the blog (I need to do some maintenance work and get some things in place for next year that I’m hoping to work on)


 Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend 🙂 look forward to seeing you all here soon!


What I’m Loving This Week