Our Master Bedroom

Our Master Bedroom

It always seems like right when you feel comfortable, settled in and things are completed in a home you move. In our Jefferson Ave apartment, everything was finally coming together and then we unexpectedly had to move. In our current home, we know we will be moving in...
Thanksgiving Tablescape

Thanksgiving Tablescape

The holiday season is upon us! I cannot believe it but I’m also very excited to enjoy all the festivities. It has quite honestly been the fastest year of my life and we embraced lots of change. I know the end of the year comes like a freight train after...
10 Things {November}

10 Things {November}

Despite writing on this little blog and having two separate Instagram accounts, I’ve been more conscious of spending less time on my phone and computer to be more present what is unfolding in front of me. This month in particular, I’ve been pulled away...


Lately I’ve been getting back into my reading habit, it was something I was much better about prior to having Josie. But I didn’t seem to have the time or rhythm to crack open a book since I had her until recently. I posted the other day about the new...
New Spaces and New Perspectives

New Spaces and New Perspectives

I’ve been waiting to share our new apartment with you all for awhile now! We had some twisting, turning events that uprooted us from the place I thought we would be for the duration of Andy’s residency. Tis life! While I was certainly frustrated about...
Pretty Vases

Pretty Vases

How is it mid-April already?! It has been a minute since I’ve been able to write a post as I’ve been navigating the ever changing schedule and demands of my growing daughter amidst travel and work. As I’m writing this, I’m watching her slowly...